Spanish courses in Salamanca

Spanish Teacher Training Course

Spanish teachers

  • 1 week
  • Maximum 10 students per class
  • It is necessary an advanced Spanish level
  • Classes are of 52,5 minutes

DICE offers training course for Spanish teachers with the desire that all professionals teaching Spanish may acquire new language and teaching skills that they could apply in their classrooms.

For this reason, the course will provide them with sufficient knowledge in methods, use of the latest technologies in the teaching of the language and improvement of the principal grammatical and linguistic concepts.

1 20
400 €

The Teaching of Spanish course is divided into two parts, one for theory and practice. The methodology used can not be the same as that used for the language courses since students will attend this course already well aware of the Spanish language, so the lectures will not rely on explanations on how to use certain grammatical or lexical, but guidance and possibilities to explain these grammatical or lexical items that they can apply in their classes ELE units. The course addresses the following objectives and contents:


  • Understand and manage the pedagogical techniques necessary to develop, plan and develop their activity as teachers of Spanish at different levels of the language (phonetic, grammatical, lexical or semantic).
  • Understand and manage the pedagogical techniques necessary to develop, plan and develop their activity as teachers of Spanish in different communicative situations and in different linguistic strata.
  • Discern the main points of phonetic, grammatical and lexical difficulty of Spanish and acquire tools to capture these aspects by their students, given that these have a different mother tongue.
  • Become aware of the pragmatic aspects of language, expression and understanding of messages and their assimilation by students of Spanish as a foreign language.
  • Discover new resources to develop new teaching strategies to facilitate teaching and learning of Spanish as a foreign language to their students.


  • Theory part:
    • Motivation in the ELE class
    • Phonetics. Pronunciation
    • Expand vocabulary
    • Por/para
    • To Be/Being
    • Past tenses. Use. Correlation
    • Impersonal verbs
    • Subordination. Subjunctive
  • Practical part:
    • Use of didactical songs
    • Activities and means of using por/para
    • Activities and means of expanding vocabulary
    • Activities and means of using past tenses
    • Use of didactical movies
    • Practicing with movies
    • Activities and means of using subordinate clauses

For accommodation during your stay in Salamanca, consult our prices for accommodation.

c/ Álvaro Gil 18, 37006 Salamanca, Spain | Tel. +34 923 603 360 Fax +34 923 603 363 | |

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